Friday, January 31, 2020

Just a Heads Up

I just wanted to let everyone know that sometimes it is hard for me to get content up as fast as I was doing. At the beginning of this blog I was posting almost every day! My love for this series has not changed and I have a lot of content coming I just haven't had the time this week to write it all up. I'm working on it now and the usual Sunday post will be up on time. I'll also have some premade posts so this upcoming week we will have some more posts coming out throughout the week, most likely on Tuesday and possibly Thursday. I'm not sure how long I can wait to post them once they're completely finished. 

I am currently working on my master's degree so school is in session and that boggs down my usual pace and I'm also working on a huge puzzle! When I say huge this thing is over 40,000 pieces! My goal is to have this puzzle done before my wedding in June so in order to do that, I'm going to have to work on it like it's my full-time job over the next few months because I really want to incorporate it into my wedding! So if you are really missing the story and want to try to get your fix you can always check out my Instagram. At the beginning of this expedition, I was trying to maintain my blog before posting pictures because I didn't want the pictures to spoil the posts but I've finally decided this week that I can't just wait to post these pictures because if I do I'll lose them, forget to post them, or never have any content coming out. So my Instagram is totally dedicated to this story as of right now and it will always have at least one post a day, usually in the evening. With a little update with the story because I always try to fit in at least an hour of gameplay in a day. I just got the puzzle a day ago so my sims have been neglected a little bit. But I'll figure out a better system in the future. I just wanted to touch base with everyone so you will know that I haven't forgotten to post anything and I haven't abandoned my project, at least yet. Just my adult/nerdy life is getting in the way a little bit!

As always if you have any questions or feedback please let me know and stay tuned for the next entry of the Disney family life! I have a lot of stuff so please don't hate me if it is a little rambly over the next few posts.

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