I've been wanting to do a Sim blog ever since I created my book blog a few years ago. But I haven't had time along with the right story for my sims to branch off. I originally wanted something to be on YouTube but I hate talking on camera and I'm not confident to hit that level yet. So let me explain the legacy challenge I've outlined right now.
The Outline
I originally only had the original Disney princess legacy challenge listed out on my outline. This push came from Clare over at Clare Siobhan YouTube channel. She is currently working on a Sim legacy challenge based off of the same princess outline. This is the same legacy challenge that I've always found when I looked for new challenges to do and I've never done it before even though I'm a huge Disney fanatic. At this point, I knew I wanted more than just 10 generations. The next challenge I found was other characters, I wouldn't call them sidekicks because they were more like just the movies instead of individual characters, and they were able to add more challenges to some of the princess challenges I already had listed plus add some new generations to the mix. With these new additions, I was having issues making the two challenges meld with each other so I continued looking for something that would help connect these two challenges together. So I found the villains and I started adding in some of these generations to help meld the ones I already had. So at this point, I had princesses, villains, and some other movies such as Nightmare Before Christmas. My next challenge was that we needed some males in the mix and I came across the Disney princes. Some of these I added and others I swapped out princesses for the princes. I also found a superhero and marvel challenges that I was able to fit in some. So I'm currently up to 20 in my outline however it isn't set in stone. I want to be able to change the generations when I feel like we need something more or if the story is going in a different direction. The outline helps me see what I'm working towards and which challenges I need to have completed before moving on. Another example is I was originally starting with Snow White, then I was starting with Maleficent, but now I really want to start with Micky and Minnie since they are the ones that started this all. My outline doesn't resemble Micky starting the family yet. Changing the outline at any stage changes the following because of the story but I think I really have it sort of figured out at the moment. While working through my generations I'm going to have changed but I will never delete a goal if it doesn't pop up next like planned then they will show up later down the line, and just like adding some new characters. Like I said earlier it just depends as I go.
The Plan
Right now I want to post an update every Sunday. But my job is ending this week and school is starting so I will have some downtime in between jobs so posts might come more frequently, especially in the beginning. I will update and have pictures as much as I can. Another way to track the story will be over on the Plum Tree app I love the way the family trees work on this website and I will keep it up to date. The link can be found on this post as well as on the side by Blog's Purpose. Every post will have a ton of pictures and then me explaining as I go. I haven't created an Instagram for this blog yet, and I'm not sure that I will because this blog along with the family tree will have tons of pictures dictating everything going on. One more thing that I need to throw out there I suck at creating sims and houses but I love using the gallery and decorating them to how I want them to be. So everything I get off of the Gallery will be listed out just like I have to show where I got my inspiration for my legacy. So if you have any questions or comments please let me know and without any further ado let's get into the Sims!
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