Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Girl Who Stole Mickey's Heart

Not going to lie Mr. Mickey has had a few flings while searching for his Ms. Minnie. There were people he liked that didn't feel the same way, some that liked him that he didn't care for, and then there was Minnie! The sim that resembles Minnie in my head has also been his only girlfriend and they went from like 0 to 60 in a millisecond! But we will get to that in a little bit. I feel like I do that a lot this whole first few posts because I've played most of this on Sunday while I had no power and it messed up my plan because I got so far ahead! I wanted to play a little and then write, then play a little then write again! But we are rolling through regardless.

I don't know if you would count Supriya Delgato on this list because she is always around! But they are really only best friends and someone he really confides in. This happened because of the Welcome Wagon, and Justin and Supriya are his only neighbors.

The next woman he met that really wouldn't leave him around is Katrina Caliente. We were working on his aspiration and making friends as much as possible, and Ms. Caliente was one of the people we found. I thought this was one of the sisters but it turned out it was the mom! So crazy and you'll see why my mind is so blown later on.

I don't remember where we met Luna Vilarreal at but she was the next girl that came across Mickey's line of vision. She had a huge crust on Mickey and this was his first crush! Mickey got swapped up in the first crush scene. They honestly had an amazing connection and I really wanted to make her his girlfriend but first I didn't want to rush him into the first relationship with the first girl he had a connection with. They end up only being best friends but she was his top friend for a couple of weeks. 

Mickey and Luna at the Club in Del Sol

Luna and Mickey went to the gym and ran into N

Between this friendship with Luna, he also met Nalani Mahai'ai She was head over heels about Mickey! She was so cute and I loved her. I wanted it to be her so much but Mickey was just not agreeing with me. He didn't have those feelings with her. But she is always one of my favorites and ends up in almost all of my stories so maybe it was better off to get someone I don't usually play with.

One night Supriya took Mickey to a ghost night at the bar and he met a ghost! Guys it was crazy there. He was talking to all of the ghosts and then one of them flashed and turned into a live sim again! It was weird and to be honest, I was trying to see what she looked like as a live sim through cas and it turned out turning back into a sim. Their friends now but she is so mean!

Former Ghost

At this point, I started looking through all of the sim households trying to see if I could find anyone with the traits I wanted for Minnie. I found a couple for Mickey to meet but they just didn't want anything to do with each other and then I found her! Dina Caliente! First looking at her she doesn't look anything like Minnie! But she had potential.

Dina Before Make-Over

I wanted to look at the Calientes because they always come up when traveling throughout the city. He met Katrina on the very second day of living in Barnacle Bay! Dina is always the one that I see end up getting married and having a long term relationship. But I haven't played in the Caliente family since Sims 2! I didn't think I changed her that much but looking at her now versus then is crazy! 

After Make-Over

Dina Before and After Makeover

The second these two met each other they were instantly drawn to one another. I loved them together and they were so cute! I just had to put them together! And they moved FAST! They were going on dates every day, sometimes multiple times a day because one would invite it would end and then the next will invite the other. It was so cute! 

Date 1

Date 2

Date 3
After the third date, Mickey asked Dina over to his house to meet Pluto! Dina fell in love with Pluto instantly! She fit into their world so perfectly and I loved how they are together. I don't have to sit there and force them to hang out or interact with one another.

Dina wanted to bring Mickey home to meet her family after she met Pluto, and that is when he realized that she lived with Katrina and that she was her mother! While they were there they both learned that her mother was pregnant again and that the bedroom situation was getting pretty cramped so Mickey asked Dina if she would like to move in with him and Pluto! Of course, she said yes and moved in with Mickey and Pluto and the first thing they did was go to the Romance festival together.

Dina throwing petals on Mickey

They are not married yet or even engaged. Right now they are just enjoying each other and working on strengthening their relationship but right now they are full romance level but not on friendship and I want both of those to be maxed out before getting married.

Here is some more information about Dina. Her traits are romantic, active, and family-oriented with the mixology aspiration. Currently, her aspiration is the Mixology one and I think I'm going to leave it that way. Or swap it to the food one because I don't think the drinking one is really Minnie Mouse but at the same time we are playing Mickey he's our main focus so I need to not get so attached to her.

The rest of Dina's outfits
Since she is a townie I tried to keep a lot of her essence. All I did appearance-wise was to change her hair to brown. From there I changed some of her outfits a little bit but kept some of them as they were. 

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