Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Surprise Announcement!

Since our story for today is honestly really sad and really unplanned I'm going to add two extra posts to the weekend and we can do a weekend-long post. Every day from July 31, 2020, to August 3, 2020, I'll be having a blog post at noon like normal. I'm only really adding two bonus posts but there is a lot going on in these 4 posts to help with the heartbreak that is about to come in the next half an hour! I love these characters so much and when the Sims actually works with my story and throws me curveballs I love it which is another reason why we have so much content coming out over the weekend. The things that happen were just so long that it broke down into three separate parts and then the fourth part will be checking in on our resident lothario Adam! If you've been on my Plum Tree lately you may have had a little spoiler as to what I'm talking about! If you don't want the spoiler then just hold off until Sunday to look at it. Adam's story isn't messing with our family tree. We did not have another wedding but there are birthdays, deaths, babies, and lots of Adam's craziness. So let's start with the heartbreak, which is the first story coming out today as normally scheduled. This honestly can be seen in the next few posts but isn't really touched on so it had to be the first story coming out. 

A Couple More Things

Two more things that I wanted to announce since I'm already doing a little announcement post. 1. I did start a new job a couple weeks ago so as of right now I'm not thinking about changing the publishing schedule yet. I think I can keep up with doing three posts a week like I'm doing now. But when school starts and if I start to get overwhelmed I think we may turn Friday into an occasional post and not every week one. If I do that I will definitely give you all a heads up for that. But my goal is to continue as normal. 2. I may have been going really overboard with the Instagram posts and I'm sorry if they have been really overwhelming. I'm trying really hard to get them caught up in our story. Ideally, I want the pictures and the story to coincide with one another instead of one being the way, way ahead of each other. So as soon as they get caught up I promise I won't post as much UNLESS if you prefer a lot of content coming at you like it is right now, just caught up with the story. Just let me know because it is definitely doable. I don't have a set schedule for Instagram they just come out whenever I remember to post them and I try to leave at least an hour between posts. Another thing you may have noticed is that I'm trying to get my Instagram to be more cohesive so we now have these little bubbles/stories at the top of my profile and there you will be able to see generation goals, main characters, side characters, plumtree information, and I'm thinking about adding a family tree to the plum tree tab, just a lot of fun little information that can get lost among all of the posts to help new people get caught up with the story since we have officially hit over 300 posts. If there are any other things you would like for me to do or do differently please let me know! I'm going to try to get my blog to match the same colors that I use on my Instagram so it will look like it all goes together. 

As you saw I updated the blog's look too. I never liked the original one's look I felt like it didn't represent my content or even me so I've always been wanting to update it but I've really been more concerned about getting content out instead of the look. However, I had enough of it and really wanted it to represent both my Simstagram and the family tree page. On my Instagram, I don't have a set aesthetic to it but the bubbles/stories do and they all start with the same title page and format so I wanted that to be represented on my page for sure and we really get that from the header with all the bright colors and how it looks. Then for the background, I really had a lot of issues with it mostly because I could not figure out how to get a single picture there. Well, I finally got it figured out, and even then I ended up changing it a couple times. I'm really happy with how it looks and feels like it is a little bit easier to navigate and read. If you all need me to change something or have any suggestions let me know and I'll work on it, but for now, this is what I got. I also realized that the comment section wasn't working properly so hopefully now it will allow people with and without accounts to comment on it all. 

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