Sunday, May 10, 2020

Gen 2: Maleficent's First Date!

Since we left Maleficent she was at a party with Aubrey and Morgyn. Maleficent has started developing feelings for her mentor and we have no clue if Morgyn feels the same way about Maleficent. In my mind, I don't see anything wrong if the two did decide to date because she is a teen and he is a young adult, but he is her mentor so I don't know how I feel about that line being crossed. In my mind I always thought that Maleficent would date Max Villareal, I thought that he would be her stepping stone into evil but now I don't know. So let's see what is going on in Maleficent's life now.

Maleficent is back to spending as much time as she possibly can at the academy in the Magic Realm, and with Morgyn. They are starting to become best friends and very flirty with one another.

Maleficent Learned Grand Deliciso, a spell that conjures food

Even though Maleficent spends all of her free time at the Academy she has also learned to balance her life between work and school. But she still pulls a lot of all-nighters and usually sleeps during school. If it wasn't for her parents I don't think she would ever go to school. She is becoming talented spellcaster though.

One day, as Maleficent was going to school Morgyn, called her and asked her to go out on a date! So, of course, Maleficent jumped at the chance to go with him! They ended up going to a cafe and they sat outside and spent the whole entire day talking. Then at the end of the date, Morgyn kissed her! 

By the end of the date, Maleficent and Morgyn agreed to be boyfriend and girlfriend and have been pretty inseparable! She gave Morgyn a key to the house and he shows up all the time and sometime stays the night. They have duels after everyone falls asleep in the basement and they spend a lot fo their time at the Academy. He is still her mentor and gets pretty aggravated with her when she kisses him in front of everyone at the academy. I don't know if it is because he is embarrassed to be dating a new spellcaster or if he isn't ready for everyone to know yet. Either way, I don't think Maleficent really cares at the moment because she has fallen hard for Morgyn. The question now does Morgyn feel the same way or is Maleficent going to get her heartbroken!?

Morgyn and Maleficent Dueling (Aubrey is the only one in the house that knows Maleficent is a spellcaster now)

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