Sunday, April 26, 2020

A New System??

I've been noticing that I've been just playing the same Sims over and over, such as getting a whole lot of Maleficent story but not very much of the others or when the twins were little we didn't get much on them until they were about to age up. I want to try to get organized now while they are in the same house and play them all more evenly. I've been thinking about it for a little while when I finally found a video posted on a Discord that I'm in created by PixieSimster and thought it would be perfect! The video is posted here on YouTube and it is a Wheel Spin Challenge that LilSimsie created. I became obsessed with this idea and binged the whole series that she has so far.

In the video description, she links LilSimsie's Google Document that lists out all of the rules to her Spin the Wheel challenge and the things that should be added to the wheels. Here is the link to that document. Basically, it is a legacy challenge and the multiple spinning wheels create the founder, such as hair color, eye color, and so on. The spinning wheels go even further by finding their careers and even quirks. These wheels get spun at the beginning of their lives or when their old enough to have a job. Then there are the daily spinning wheels, which are broken down into toddler, children, teen, and adult-elder daily activities. This wheel gets spun every day and the sim has to do it throughout their day.

Even though we are doing our Mega Disney Legacy I thought it would be fun to incorporate some of these spinning wheels. In my mind, I think it would help randomize the stories and not be stuck on the same storyline and ignore the rest. That being said we are still going to ensure that we stick to the main challenges set out for every generation but we have the time to do more things and I don't want to end up hating my game. Before the Disneys, I would play a game and then I got bored with the family I would just start all over with a new family. I don't want to do that and I want to stay entertained with my family. I just think this would be fun. So I adopted some of these spinning wheels for my game and then made a couple different ones.

I downloaded the 'Spin the Wheel - Random Picker' on my iPad. So far it is colorful and it seems to let me add as many options as I want, plus it's free. The first wheel that I made is called the 'OG Disney Family,' and it has the names of all of my household members on it plus a ShayKay's pick. This wheel is to help pick who we focus on in a Sim week. Even though we are focusing on this particular Sim we will still be making sure that the household is making money and everyone is still alive. With this pick, I think we are going to focus on their stories, such as Steve needs to complete all of the children's aspirations and collect all of the scouting badges and Maleficent needs to collect all of the Spellcrafting skills.

The next two wheels that I added to the game are ones that I felt are needed but I don't know how much we will use them because the Disney challenge comes first and most of the jobs and aspirations are already picked out for each character. But when we complete aspirations and if they aren't ready to age up we can sometimes focus on new aspirations and then there are some traits that I don't have listed out. For those situations, I think they can help especially when I'm stuck.

The rest of the wheels I got all of the prompt from LilSimsie's document. These are the Daily Challenges for Toddlers, Kids, Teens, and Teens-Elders. They list out random things to do every day. With this, I plan on getting at least two things for our main sim to do every day. I may have something for other sims in my game to do, such as flirty interactions I don't want Mickey and Dina to do that with random sims but for Maleficent or Aubrey, I would. So the first spin we will definitely do, if it doesn't fit the sim's story that we are focusing on then we will do it with another sim in the household. Then the second spin we will generate it towards the sim we are focusing on, such as Steve working on new skills or a new aspiration.

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