Sunday, December 13, 2020

A Little Announcement

 So I feel like this isn't a Sunday worthy post but this is all I have finished at the moment.  So here we go. I have been thinking about my sim family and I still love them I really do I'm just in a rut at the moment and haven't been wanting to play. I've been reading a lot lately and this is just how I am. I love to read when I feel like it and then when I feel like it. I love to play video games. I have a few different video games that I rotate between and the sims are the main ones but I also love Assassins Creed, Among Us, Nintendo games, and so on. But normally when I feel like this I can watch YouTube videos or look through the plans I have for this family and it helps get me back into the game. But lately, I've been wanting to start the Not So Berry challenge. It's a very popular challenge that was created by LilSimsie and AlwaysSimming and it's a very popular sim challenge. Not only does this challenge look fun bit it is something that I can do with the auto aging on and I think that is what truly appeals to me right now. I didn't know how much that feature can help a legacy until I started the Disney family. We are almost a year into this game and we are only one gen 3! Not just gen 3 but the beginning of it! So I've been wanting to play this challenge and with it, I don't just want to play with auto aging on I also want to do without cheats and play it just how the Sims game is supposed to be. I mean there are a few things that I will need cheats for such as CC but I don't know if that really qualifies as a cheat. And I also have a few generations in this that will require the extreme violence mod which is one that I've never had but has been truly interested in. So I can't wait to see how those generations work out. 

But this wouldn't be a true ShayKay's challenge if we didn't go all out! So I have been scouring the web looking for additional generations and we currently have a whopping 30 gens to go through! Out of these 30 gens, I have 2 that I created to bridge the gap between some of this amazing content. I just wanted it to be as cohesive as possible. So The first 10 generations are the original ones that LilSimsie and AlwaysSimming created back in 2017. I have that link above if you want to check it out. Then the next 8 generations are created by the amazing Gerbithats. These gens have a little darker side to them here and there but overall I think really works well with our legacy. Those got me to 18 generations and I really wanted more generations so I went back on the web to look for a more updated version of the Not So Berry challenge since it has been out for a few years and there have been so many things that have come out for the game since then. So I found another 10 generations that were created by McSimmer. This one really felt to me to tie the first two versions together so well but the way Gerbithats ends and this one begins I needed a filler to make the story make sense so I added the Amethyst generation. So that put us at 29 generations and I just could not allow an odd number so I made the rainbow generation to get us at 30 generations. 

Being the overcheiver that I am I made these template looking things that I plan on putting the picture of each our legacy people in. I think they came out really good and since I did it on Canva I can easily add more generations to it or change things around. I could've posted them all here but I think the little slideshow thing that Canva shows looks way better so you can check out what I made and hope to achieve every generation here. Since I used other people's legacy outlines for the bonus generations I didn't want to mix them up even though there were some generations that I think would've worked better if I did mix the three versions up but I didn't think it would be fair to take their creations and mix them up like that, so I left them all in order. 

Now I plan on making a plumtree just for this family too I don't plan on making another blog or even another Instagram for these sims. I actually made a poll over on Instagram this week to see what the majority would prefer and they preferred them all being on page. Our Dinsey family is going to remain our main focus and over here I still plan on posting about them every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. For the weekends/weeks that I plan on doing bonus posts there will still be bonus posts. But the blog is called ShayKays Sims so I feel like we can still do both of them over here too. I'm going to start putting headers in the title so from now on the titles will be like "Berry Sims: The Intro Post" or "Disney Sims: Maleficent's Wedding Dresses," plus I will make sure to tag everything like I normally do. I think for the Berries I will keep the tags shorter probably just three tags: whatever generation we are on, color, and the berries. Even though we are one place I think we can have both and be very separated at the same time. I plan on releasing Berry content every Thursday and Saturday here unless we have Disney content coming and I will let you all know when that happens ahead of time. Then as for Tuesday I think I will post Berry sims whenever I don't have a Tag Tuesday post. Like this Tuesday I will be posting our very first Berry sim post.

Things on my Instagram is going to happen a little differently than over here. Evertyhign is going to be on the same page just like over here but over there it's way more easier to post about multiple different things than I can over here. So my plan is to have Berry posts Tuesday and Thursday and then Disney the rest of the time. I think I will use Saturday as whatever we have left over. I'm trying to make everything more cohesive and with 1 character that we mainly focus on each day versus right now we just focus on whatever story is going on at the time.  If I post any polls or questions they are still going to be more geared towards the Disney sims but if you have any other things that we should do with the Berry sims I want to hear it too. My Berry family is going to be more for me to play and have fun versus what my Disney family has morphed into. I really do love my Disney family. It just sometimes gets overwhelming and with this I don't have to overthink it like I do with my Disney fam. 

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